Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I am sitting in a hospital waiting area while I write this.

Yep, that's right..a Hospital. Scott is having surgery on his shoulder.

I am totally not worried about his surgery at all...if I were to be completely honest, I would have to say that I am currently more concerned about traffic on the way home, and what to have for lunch if my apple and peanut butter sandwich don't cut it. That makes me sound like a terrible wife, doesn't it?

Let me explain...Scott is currently in the hands of an incredibly qualified (if not a bit abrasive)surgeon. They'll fix him up, and he will do just great. What I am worried about is not even when we get home...he should have some pretty good pain meds, and everytng will be okay. I am more concerned about the months of healing, physical therapy, and decisions to come.

It is crazy to think that such a small thing as a shoulder injury could turn your world upside down...but that is what happened. And now, we have to figure out how to get our world right side up again. (thank goodness for a loving savior to guide the way).

Scott should be out in about an hour....and that's when the hard part starts. Well...maybe not right away...but in a few weeks for sure.

For now, I will wait patiently, and then take the love of my life home to sit and watch mindless hours of television to distract him from pain...thank goodness for Top Gear!


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