Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sausage Corn Chowder

A couple of weeks ago, our Sunday School class had a cookout. The featured dishes were some amazing soups and dessert. One soup especially caught my attention, and so I tried my hand at it the next week. Sausage Corn Chowder is warm, welcoming, and filling - what more could you ask from a soup?

First, you take some sausage and onion and saute them together until the sausage is cooked and onions are soft.

Once the sauge and onion are cooked together, add some flour to the suasage, just as if you were making gravy. Once the flour is mixed in, add some chicken broth and let simmer for a couple of minutes.

Next, you'll want to chop up some potatoes. 

Add your potatoes, a can of creamed corn, some frozen corn, salt and pepper to your sausage and chicken broth mixture.

While that's simmering, bake some bread.

When the bread is done and the potatoes are cooked, add some cream and butter to the soup. Dish up and eat!

1 pound sausage
1 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup flour
2 1/2 c. chicken broth
2-3 medium potatoes, diced
1 can (12 oz) creamed corn
2 c. frozen corn
salt & pepper
hot sauce
1 c. cream
1 T. butter

*original recipe can be found here.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A New...

A couple of days ago I promised that we would have some new things coming up - so here's the first one:

A New JOB!

I am switching to a new department, which is so exciting! While I have loved working with my coworkers and especially my boss, it was time for a change. (Have you noticed that I LOVE change!?) Starting next week, I'll be going on a new adventure.

I'm pretty nervous - new coworkers, new job description, new things to learn. With our crazy economy, it's hard to know if a new job is worth the risk - but we think that this is God's plan for me right now, so we're excited to take this risk with Him in control!

I'll try to keep you updated as more "new" things happen around here!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Chair Redo

Our "office space" was needing a little pick me up, especially since we just got a new desk. So, I took it upon myself to do a little bit of chair refashioning. 

Step 1: take a ridiculously old chair (we're talking at least 20 years here, people).
Step 2: paint it.
Step 3: add some fabric.
Step 4: fresh, new office space!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Last Day

Oh my Stars! It has been a month since I've posted - not because we don't love you and miss you, more because life is C.R.A.Z.Y. But that's not why I'm here today.

Today I'm here to tell you that today was  the last day.

The last day that Scott will have to see his Physical Therapist!
The last day that Scott gets to visit with the awesome Dr. K!
The last day that he needs treatment for his shoulder!

That's right - he's done. Scott went in for his final shoulder appointments this morning, and came home with a shiny note saying he's all better! Surgery worked, he is 100%, and we are so excited!

We have some "first/new" days coming up soon, as well as an awesome chair redo, and maybe a new recipe or two - so don't be a stranger!

Monday, August 20, 2012


There are days when I feel like I need a challenge, something new and different to do, something creative that will fuel my passions. Most days, my mind keeps coming back to the idea of becoming a food blogger. So, this leaves me with some questions for you:

1. If I were a food blogger, what kind/style of food blogger should I be?
2. What should I call the blog?

Just thinking at this point - but I love brainstorming with peoples ideas!


Friday, August 17, 2012

Something to Think About

I stumbled across this quote in a blog today - not even sure who said these words originally, but they were a good reminder to me of my constant need to fix my eyes upon Jesus.

"You can't keep your eyes on the things of God until you take them off the things of men."


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to this guy!

He is the man who makes me smile the most. Who tells the funniest jokes. Who prayes and guides and leads with strength and wisdom. Who relaxes with the best of them. Who works harder every day. 

I love you Mister! Happy Birthday!