Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mr. Ham Ships Out

Well, okay, Mr. Ham isn't really shipping out for quite some time, but we do know when!

Scott was at MEPS on Wednesday, and this is what we learned:

1. Scott is officially in the Army - the contract has been signed and he has been sworn in.

2. Scott is officially leaving for Basic Training, on February 27th! (Which means we have about 6 more months together, exciting for us, but slightly disappointing that it will be that long).

3. Scott will be at Ft. Benning, in Georgia, which is really exciting! I have always wanted to visit Georgia, Ft. Benning is a really neat Army Base, and that is where Scott was hoping to go - so our wishes have been granted in that regard!

That's all for now - just wanted to pop in and give that update! Thank you for your continued prayers as we continue to learn what God has for us.


1 comment:

  1. So, already looked it up. Ft. Benning is 4 hours from me! Glad to hear all is going well.
