Monday, September 26, 2011

Learning To Be Lonely

I (Sarah) am currently in the midst of learning to be lonely, something that I will very much need to know how to do come the end of February. How am I learning this, you might ask? Well, Scott is now working part time (yay!). Unfortunately, this week he is working evening shifts, which means that we don't see each other. I wake up and go to work while he is sleeping, and then he comes home as I am going to bed. While I hate being apart from my better half, I do have to admit that this is good for me - I am learning to be lonely.

I know that in a few short months, Scott will be leaving. I know that in a few short month, I will be incredibly lonely. However, it is what I do with that loneliness that matters. I have the choice to sit around and mope, or the choice to be active. It is learning how to be active without Scott that is the challenge, but I am learning. I am learning how to cook dinner for just one person. Learning how to have fun doing laundry and dishes in silence, by myself. Learning to turn my thoughts of loneliness into prayers for my husband.

I am learning, in hopefully a very good and worthwhile way, how to be lonely.

- Sarah

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing and your honesty Sara. I know it won't be easy, and I cannot imagine how tough it will be, but I am excited to come and hang out with you at some point during next spring! Especially if you are still having trouble cooking for one...
