Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Long Past Due

Hi All!

I Just wanted to pop in and give a quick update. Sorry that it’s been so long…I really will work on it. So, what has gone on since I last posted?

1.      We celebrated our 1st Anniversary on July 17th! A year has gone by so quickly – and we are both super excited for the next year and what it holds.
      Davis Family Vacation! A week after our anniversary, the whole David clan (all 19 of us) headed down to Brown County state park for our first official vacation with all of us! We had two cabins side by side, and had a wonderful time! There was an indoor water park that was enjoyed by all. The weekend also included a canoe trip, mountain biking, hiking, picnics, and family fun. It was a great time!  Scott and I were also able to stay a couple of extra days to celebrate our Anniversary! 

3.      The Army – Scott was not chosen to be an Officer in the United States Army. So, what does this mean for us? Scott will officially enlist in the Army tomorrow. He was chosen to be on a “fast track” which will combine Basic and AIT, and then allow him to go straight through to Airborne School, followed by Ranger training. It will be a long road, but we are both so excited. It seems like God keeps shutting doors, and then opening another one right in front of us, keeping us moving in the right direction. Scott goes to MEPS tonight, will be sworn in tomorrow, and then we should have a “ship date.” Please keep praying for God’s peace and clarity in all of this!

That’s the quick version of what is going on. I will keep posting as things keep changing!


P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my amazing husband! I love you Mister!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for blog posts! Thanks for the update.
