Tuesday, April 26, 2011

And So It Begins...

Hi All! I have been meaning to post this note to update you all on Scott joining the Army. He went last Thursday and met with the recruiter again, and he gave us some good news and some bad news! The good news is, the recruiter is really excited as Scott will be the first officer he has recruited, and he has been SO helpful! The bad news is that this may be a much longer process than we anticipated. Here’s what the timeline looks like:
  • Scott is going today to take the ASVAB in Ft. Wayne (so if you think about it, pray for him between 2:00 and 8:00pm!)
  • After the ASVAB, he then gets to make a list of his top Army career choices, which the Army will begin to review for his placements.
  • He goes to Indy for 2 days to go through Medical Processing (sometime in the next month, hopefully).
  • After he is medically cleared, he then goes and stands before a board of 3 Officers in the US Army. They basically interview him on why he will make a good officer, why he wants to do this, etc…2 of the 3 have to recommend him as an officer candidate.
  • Once he clears the officers board (which could take up to 3 tries over the span of 3 months), he will then proceed on to Basic Training (10 weeks), then Officers Candidate School (12 weeks), followed by even more training after that!
So, yeah, that’s what’s going on! We’re praying for speedy passage through all of the initial steps, as Scott is really ready to get started (and we were expecting him to not be here all summer!). I will try to keep everyone updated as much as possible as we go through this. Thanks so much for all of your love and prayers!

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