Thursday, May 12, 2011

Still in Limbo

Wow, I am really failing at this blog update thing!

Here’s what has happened since the last update:

1. Scott took the ASVAB – and he passed with flying colors! So that is really exciting! What this means is that Scott should not have any limitations when it comes to the jobs available for him within the army.

2. We are now in the process of filling out paperwork, getting references, and requesting records. The next step is MEPS, which is where Scott will go through the physical examination. We are optimistic that this will happen soon, but aren’t sure right now.

We also got a dog – and a week later found a new home for him. Scott and I loved Bomber to bits, but found out quickly that Scott was allergic to him, so we had to give him away. Our apartment seems so
big and empty now…so we will definitely be getting a dog once we have a yard!

That’s what we are up to! We stay busy all the time, but are still super excited about this adventure that God has before us!

- Sarah

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