Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How The Time Flies

Yesterday Scott and I celebrated 6 months of marriage. While that doesn’t seem like a very big accomplishment in terms of a lifetime of marriage, it is pretty great that we’ve made through ½ of our first year, and are even more excited about marriage than we were 6 months ago! What a blessing God has given us, that we can be partners in life for the rest of our lives!

So, what lessons have we learned in our 6 short months of living together?

1. When your spouse needs space, give them space!

2. Praying and studying God’s Word together has never been more important.

3. Family dinner at the table is so necessary (even though we are only a family of 2).

4. Even though we live with each other and see one another every day, we still need to intentionally communicate – it won’t just happen on its own!

I know that we’ve learned a TON more than that in the last 6 months, probably more than either of us even knows – but that’s the point! The point is that we challenge each other and cause each other to learn and to grow, and we’re thrilled that we get to do that for as many days as God gives us.

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