Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merry Christmas (Part II)

After a quiet Christmas at the Needhams, Scott and I traveled back to my parents in Upland. We arrived and Amanda and Jeremy were there, along with my sister Vicki and their kids. We stayed for dinner, and helped get the kids to bed. Them, my brother Gabe and his wife Dionne arrived…so we stayed longer! We went home Sunday night exhausted from 2 nights of poor sleep away from home, excited to sleep in our own bed!

The next morning we barely drug ourselves out of bed before we had to be at the Davis’s. Josh and Jenny and boys arrived Monday morning, and we all settled in. We had a crazy time of opening presents that morning…the kids were all over the place! Then, we made a big meal, ate lunch, and played outside in the snow! It was cold! After snow, we all watched Dispicable Me together, then it was time for dinner and putting the kids to bed!

That night, the “grown up” kids did a gift card exchange, which was hilarious! Mom and Dad watched and laughed with us. We then spent an hour laughing at Gabe while he tried to pronounce the phrases in Mad Gab!

We headed home late Monday night, completely exhausted, but thankful for our wonderfully huge, loud, boisterous family!

(Pictures to come)


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