Monday, January 3, 2011

Merry Christmas (Part III)

As we come to the third, and final, update on our first Christmas, I’m going to take a moment to brag on my amazing husband. Scott is so wonderful! Not only did he help me relax at his parents house, he jumped in and fully participated in the insanity at my parents house, and then he took care of a tired, grumpy wife after. Scott, you are the best gift I could ever receive!

Scott and I were going to wait to open gifts and do our Christmas on New Year’s weekend…but we just couldn’t! So, on Tuesday, after dinner, we finished wrapping our gifts to each other, and plopped down under the tree for our First Christmas as a married couple.

Because I didn’t finish our stockings in time, we wrapped all of our stocking stuffers, and thus each had a whole pile of gifts! Scott received lots of favorite candy, a new toothbrush, fun socks, while he gifted me with my favorite gum, mints, and fun socks as well as cookie cutters!!!! (I have a mild obsession with cookie cutters).

Then, it was on to the big gifts. Scott’s first gift was a set of Spanish Magnetic Poetry for our fridge – but they’re reversible, with English on the other side! You should see the fun messages we’ve come up with so far! Then, I opened my first gift – the cutest apron I’ve ever seen ! (I also have a mild ginormous apron obsession!). Scott’s second gift was the Band of Brother’s boxed set, and mine was a big Taylor blanket (one I’ve wanted for quite a while).

That was our Christmas, at least as far as present were concerned. We also made sure we focused on Christ, his coming to us, and the reason he came to – to later die for us. We are so blessed to have each other, to be married and in love, and even more importantly, we are so blessed that it is Christ’s love that binds us together.


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