Friday, November 19, 2010


This afternoon I was struck with a complete urgency to make it home and hold Scott close, to make sure he knows how much I love him, and to be safe in his arms. And by urgency, I mean I was brought to tears by the fact that it will be 3 hours and 20 minutes until I am home.
Let me explain this sudden urgency. I recently learned of a 29 year old that is dying. But what makes the situation sadder is that his family was told by doctors that he really needs to be in a nursing facility in order for him to receive the best care possible. And I was hit by the thought that this incredibly young man would never be able to be home with his family again, he would never be able to feel young again because he would be in a facility designed for people his grandparents age…and I thought, wow – I hope this never happens to me. Worse yet, I thought of this happening to my husband, and how helpless I would feel as his wife not being able to take care of him, and how condemning I would feel sending him to a nursing home. And then I felt the urgency – the urgency to make sure that Scott is always aware of how much I love him and how much I appreciate him – because I can never be truly sure when I tell him goodbye in the mornings that it won’t be goodbye forever.
- Sarah

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