Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, and while I am absolutely thrilled to be able to celebrate with family and friends, this holiday is bitter sweet as well. Our actual Thanksgiving Day will be spent with Scott's family, laughing and eating and being together. Thanksgiving Weekend will find my sister and her kids, as well as the two of us, in Illinois visiting my Grandparents.

I am really looking forward to this trip, as it brings back fond memories of Thanksgivings past. We used to travel as a family to Illinois every Thanksgiving, where we would meet with relatives and enjoy each other. I am so excited to see my Grandparents, but there is a part of me that is actually dreading making this trip.'

You see, the last time I was in Illinois it was to bury two people that I love, my other Grandparents. I haven't been near their home since they passed, and quite honestly, this is going to be an incredibly hard walk down memory lane. One of the purposes behind this trip is to stop by Grandma and Grandpa's grave sight. Scott has never been, and I haven't been since the funeral, so it seems like something I need to do.

It has been close to 6 months since they died, and the pain is still as searing as it was that Friday. This trip is part of the healing process, and I know it will be well worth the tears that it brings.

- Sarah

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