Monday, September 13, 2010

And So It Begins

And so begins the long nights of sitting by the fire, hot cocoa in hand, Scott and I cuddling and talking through the crisp autumn evenings...yeah right! 

In actuality, so begin the long nights of Scott doing homework, working on his Senior Show, and trying to stay on top of things, while I, Sarah, try to keep myself entertained. While Scott is studying and learning, I am often found mopping the kitchen, putting away dishes, or tidying up the bedroom. Let me tell you, there is only so much cleaning that one can do in a 2 bedroom apartment! 

In all seriousness, though, I am learning to enjoy these nights of studying and working. Do I get bored - yes. Do I get lonely - yes. Am I learning to communicate because of this - yes. Is our marriage being strengthened - yes. I am learning how to be patient, how to serve my husband, and how to not complain to him all the time. I think he's learning some of these things too (although I can't speak for him).

My goal this next week is to find something to fill my evenings - because I don't want to be bored! I am considered many options: buying a sewing machine, learning to crochete, practicing photography, and maybe even becoming a Tastefully Simple consultant. I want to be able to be productive while Scott is studying, and so I'm looking for different ways to do this while developing new skills.

If you have any other ideas of how I should fill my evenings, I would love to hear them! 
I'll let you know what I decide!


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