Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Life Update

Oh my goodness, I've been thinking I need to update the blog for awhile, but didn't realize how far behind I was until I sat down to do it! Here's a little update on what Scott and I have been up to for the last month or so.

Finishes several successful paintings and an amazing sculpture.
Met up with all of the groomsman and picked out tuxes (without Sarah!).
Took a day trip with a friend to Indiana Dunes...was picking sand out of his pockets for a week!
Played 2 weekends of ultimate frisbee, including 13 games. They won all but 2 of those!

Finished her microbiology lab project!
Spent a weekend with the bridesmaids - twice!
Traveled to KY to see family...with 2 nephews and 1 niece in tow!

That's about it! I (Sarah) graduate in less than 1 month. Scott and I are both still looking for jobs for the summer/ next year. We are so excited to get married, and are incredibly busy finishing this semester! However, God is and always will be faithful in everything that we do.

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