Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Good Reminder

I (Sarah) am currently taking a short break from studying for a massive microbiology exam that I have tomorrow morning. To give you a sense of what I must endure, we were given approximately 20 topics to study in depth. Tomorrow morning we will be given 10 essay questions derived from those topics, and will have to choose 5 of those to write an essay on - all in 50 minutes. This is a huge undertaking, and quite honestly, I am freaking out.

Scott will tell you that I am a worrier, and that I have had a really stressful semester. Add to that this exam, and I turn into a stressed, frazzled, panicked person! It was in the midst of this panic during which I was telling Scott of how terrified I am of this exam that he interrupted me with "babe, have you prayed about it?"

What a simple question. Have you prayed about it?

Would you like to know my response. "Um, I don't remember." So Scott and I prayed.

Reflecting on this interaction, I am just so struck by how great my God is, and how little respect I show Him. I get so caught up in the stress of my own life that not only do I forget about others, I forget about Him - the only one who can really help me deal with my stress. Scott gave me such a good reminder that God is in control, and I need to cast all my cares upon him instead of taking them all upon myself.

So, I want to ask, when faced with something stressful, annoying, or difficult today, did you pray about it?


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