Friday, February 19, 2010

The Sabbath

It amazes me that our brains work the way they do. I just got done taking a 50 minutes essay test on microbiology, and my brain is tired. I have spent 1 week studying for this test, and it is amazing to me how my brain can hold up for that long, and then just crash once its all done! How do we have this capacity for learning things? It is just so amazing. What is also amazing, however, is our brains ability to know when it needs rest, and when we need to slow down.

Rest. It is something that Jesus has commanded we do, that many of us just ignore entirely. It seems as if one gets so caught up in the business of life to forget to physically rest, and to rest in Jesus. This is something that Scott and I have really been working on. We have both been reading in the Old Testament, and have noticed time and time again God's commandment to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. God has really impressed it upon us to do this.

Scott and I have been doing our best to get all of our homework and other jobs out of the way during the week, so that when Sunday comes, we have time to rest in the Lord and catch up on relationships. This doesn't mean we're lazy. We still go to Church, spend time with family and friends, pray, and even catch up on some things...but what we're catching up on is still restful.
This time of rest has been rich for us -- our relationship with each other and God has been deepened, our Faith is growing, and we are excited for what God has for us in this.

I would encourage you to take a Sabbath. Rest in the Lord, and rely on him.


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