Monday, February 1, 2010

Finally, a break!

Well, we made it! Both Scott and I finished our January term classes with our noses and mouths above water. It is so good to be done! Scott and I both got rewarded for all of our hard work.

I went with 29 other Biology Seniors to Spring Hill Camp in Michigan. We spent our days talking about hard bioethical issues, and our nights sitting by a fire, swimming, snow tubing, and playing games. It was a good time of R&R, and also provided great opportunities to strengthen friendships.

Scott was able to go with 3 other guys from his floor and one of their families to NY to go skiing! He hadn't been skiing in several years, and had a blast. According to him, hitting the slopes was like "riding a bike." They spent 3 days skiing, eating too many desserts, and building relationships.

Well, January is over, and Scott and I are getting ready to embark on the next chapter of our lives at Taylor -- Spring Semester 2010. For me, it should be a relatively light semester. I will be filling all of my extra time with wedding planning and job searching. For Scott, it will be a really busy semester, and he will be spending all of his extra time in the studio working on projects.

Thanks for all your love and support!


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