Tuesday, January 12, 2010

J-term Update

Those of you who have been paying attention know that Scott and I both have a really intense J-term this week. First, we just want to say thanks for your prayers! We are both completely in over our heads, but God has been so good!

Here is an update on our respective classes:

Scott (taking Figure Drawing) - One self portrait done, another self-portrait to be finished tomorrow, a paper due on thursday, and a drawing from a Literary source due Friday. He is super stressed with all this drawing, but doing great!

Sarah (taking Senior Biology Capstone) - hours and hours of reading done, a research proposal entitled "Pax7 Expression and its Effects on Post-Embryonic Limb Blastema Formation" due on Thursday, hours and hours of more reading to do, a presentation on Pax7 and the blastema, a bioethics presentation on HIV/AIDS, and then, playing in the snow! I am super stressed with all this reading and research, but I'm almost done!

That's just a short, very abbreviated version of what we're both currently doing. Hopefully I'll be able to post about something happier next time!


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