Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Great Anticipation and an Aweful Lot of Worry!

This is just a little update on Scott's and My January term adventures, and a petition for prayer as well!

Scott and I both have a really busy month. I am taking my senior biology capstone course, which consists of lecture and discussions on faith, learning, and biology. It also includes an original research proposal, for which my topic is something to do with the origins of blastemal cells in regenerating limbs (sounds like a mouth full, and is definitely a brain full!). The whole class is a really focused and intense time of study and learning, so please pray for me!

Scott is taking figure drawing, and he'll be the first to tell you that drawing is not his favorite! He is only in class 2 days a week, but will need to spend the other three days and spare time drawing...probably for a minimum of 8 hours a day. Please pray for him as he tries to do his best and learn a lot.

That is our J-term plan, and we're both really excited for it to be over! In the mean time, however, God is teaching us patience, perseverance, and love for Him, His creation, and for each other.


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