Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why Crutches Make Me Feel Like A Wimp

I am currently on crutches - but hopefully it's only for a few days.

You see, sometimes I'm a little too ambitious - and it results in me falling flat on my face (well, in this case, my knee). Scott and I went on a bike ride the other night, and after a while I apparently got sick or riding and wanted to fly. I did fly too! (for about 2 seconds, before I landed hard and skidded across the pavement). So, because of this, and because of my impeccable aim resulting in me landing right on my knee, I am on crutches (at least until the shooting pain and swelling go away). Doctors orders, not mine.

Crutches make me feel like a wimp. Or a tool. Take your pick. First, they make everyone look at me and act nicely to me - even people who normally ignore me. I. don't. like. this. Also, they prevent me from helping people. I recently saw someone trying to bring a huge cart through the doors in my office - but I couldn't help, because it takes me 3 minutes just to hobble over to the door from my desk. (okay, more like 1 minute). This makes me feel like such a woos. I try to be tough - what's a little pain right? I keep telling Scott "I don't really need these!" only to try to put weight on my leg and almost fall over.

I made it 23.8 years without needing crutches - and then I decided to fly.



  1. So, what you are saying is the bike ride was checked off the list for this weeks cinco celebration!?!?!?!?! - B

  2. Technically, yes...the bike ride was checked off, and I was chucked off the bike!
