Sunday, June 17, 2012

Last Week's Adventures

Last week was quite the adventure. While reaching 4/5 of last weeks goals, we hit a few road blocks, making the week quite interesting!

1. Bake homemade bread...and eat a piece piping hot and slathered with butter:
This happened, but not until Saturday. While making bread, we've decided that my bread machine is dying. The bread doesn't rise well anymore, and the dough turns out really weird. Imagine my surprise when I opened the machine to take out the dough and found dough running down the sides and into the bottom of the baking chamber! The bread was pretty tasty though. We made 2 loaves yesterday and only have half a loaf left.

2. Play a board game.
This didn't happen, but that was kind of due to what happened during the next goal.

3. Retry - long bike ride.
Success! Well, kind of. Scott and I went on an 11 mile bike ride - not as long as I had hoped, but I was beat! About two blocks from home, I decided to try flying instead of riding, and ended up having x-ray's, being on crutches, and having bruises and road burn all over my entire body. I've done a lot of sitting this week, and not a lot of cooking, board game playing, or even cleaning. The attempt at flying is definitely what made this week an adventure!

4. Watch a new movie.
Scott convinced me to watch Warrior, a tale about two brothers competing in a Mixed Martial Arts tournament. Nothing like watching people beat the daylights out of each other to take my mind off of the beating I received by flying off of my bicycle.

5. Try a new recipe for dinner.
Success! Scott and I made this pasta dish, and it was fantastic! Next time though, we'll be using fewer noodles, and more of everything else!

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