Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Week 5 - Recap

Okay, I realize that the first run of the "My Week 5" serious wasn't quite a whole week, but I also figure it doesn't really matter that much. It was so refreshing to have a to do list that only included fun stuff (don't worry, the to do list with dishes and laundry on it still exists too)! So, how well did I accomplish the "5"?

Challenge #1: Take and post a picture of the two of us together - we did it!
This is the first picture of the two of us since we had professional pictures done in December. Yikes! The past month or so, I have really been impressed to take more pictures. I have realized that I don't have many pictures with people that are incredibly important to me - and that needs to change!
Grilling for dinner - yum!
Challenge #2: Bake something sweet and tasty -done!
This past week I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies, something we don't have in this house very often! I would have baked these regardless of the challenge, though. Why, you ask? Well, we had this little mold problem in our kitchen (by little, I mean that we discovered a whole wall to be covered in the stuff - under the wallpaper, of course). So, when our maintenance man looked at it on Friday and said he would fix it on Tuesday, I knew a little thank you gift was in order. And what hard working man doesn't like a few chocolate chip cookies for his lunch break!?

Challenge #3: DIY manicure - check!
You wouldn't think that secretary's would have terrible nails, but I do. Now, though, they're filed, trimmed, and painted a lovely shade of ...clear.

Challenge #4: A long bike ride with the Mister - just for fun. - Fail :(
Unfortunately, the long bike ride didn't/ won't happen this week. Scott's bike broke on Monday night, and spent Tuesday through Thursday at the shop getting repaired. He was able to get in a long ride on Friday while I was at work, but the timing just didn't work out. However, we got a couple of shorter rides in, so not a total fail!

Challenge #5:  Learn 1 new song on the Hammered Dulcimer - Complete!
I have a hammered dulcimer. A what? One of these things:
It has a lot of strings, and is kind of hard to play. Some of you might know that I enjoy the Bluegrass genre of music, and my Dad's band has really been wanting me to come play the dulcimer with them. So, I had to practice. I also had to expand my repertoire- it now includes about 5 songs instead of 3. Don't worry, I'll get better!

There's our week in terms of 5 (okay, 4) small adventures that were accomplished. I think I'm going to like this weekly challenge.
Any suggestions for next week's "5"?



  1. Shoot a fire work off in your backyard... B

  2. Recreate one of your favorite reality show's best moments. Possibly one of Top Shot's elimination challenges? ... BC

  3. Steal a stroller, and take Scott for a walk to get ice cream... B

  4. Face your fears, leave a picture crooked for the whole week... BC

  5. Go out to dinner wearing towel capes. Superman pose at every possible instance, and when the waitress asks for your order say, in order to save all of the towns people I must have a prune juice, and fast! Also, ask her to remove all the spoons from the table as they are your kryptonite... B

  6. Walk to Starbucks together, then take an artsy photo of the Gas City water tower. Prove to the art world that you are beyond comic sans... BC

  7. Make a leash ... while you are at Starbucks, walk in with Scott on the leash wearing sunglasses. When the barista looks at you say, oh don't worry, he's my seeing eye dog... B

  8. Go to a local farmers market and try to exchange produce from the grocery store for theirs. Bonus: Canned vegetables count double... BC

  9. Sarah - Liberty Spikes
    Scott - Full Goth Regalia with eyeliner
    Location - Any nursing home passing out cookies.

  10. Put an ad in the Gas City paper for the First Annual Hunger Games of Grant County. See what kind of people reply and meet with them to begin planning. Spend the whole time speculating about America's District 13 in an alternate reality ravished by nuclear war... BC
