Monday, June 4, 2012

My Week 5

Being the avid blog reader that I am, I come upon a lot of great ideas for blog posts. Of course, I don't really put them into practice, but my head is just full of them! A couple of weeks ago I came upon the idea of doing a "Mini Bucket List" for the week - a short list of goals for the week (other than doing laundry, cleaning, etc...).

That being said, here is the first installment of "My Week 5":

1. Take/ Post a picture of Scott and I together.
2. Bake something sweet and tasty.
3. DIY manicure - it is beyond time.
4. A long bike ride with the Mister - just for fun.
5. Learn 1 new song on the Hammered Dulcimer.

Well, here it goes! We'll see how well this works. 5 things to break up the monotony of the week, and bring a smile to at least one face. Wish me luck!


1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I can only hope that the long bike ride is really long, like to South Bend. Way to keep things exciting :)
