Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Book Review: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

Time for the review of Book 3!
Sorry it's taken me so long to get this one up there - things got a little crazy, but I'm here now!

Cover Design: I must say, I like this cover the best. The art still isn't my favorite, but at least each book shows a marked improvement!

Writing Style: Collins has improved yet again with the third installment of the series. I still don't think she gives enough detail, but that's just a personal preference.

Plot: I have a really hard time deciding if The Hunger Games or Mockingjay is my favorite book of the series. They are so different that maybe I'll just have to go with both! In the third book, attention is no longer focused on The Games, but is instead focused on District 13, the rebellions of the districts, and the take down of the Capitol City. I was really drawn in by the mystery of Mockingjay - I didn't really know how everything was going to play out until close to the end, which was great. I was completely shocked when Prim died. I was shocked when Katniss killed President Coin instead of Snow, and was also surprised when, after a month of deliberations, she is set free.

The book's ending was very well done. I was wondering from the beginning of the series how Collins was going to conclude the story, and she did it very well. We've been waiting for Katniss to admit to her love for Peeta, and she finally does, but in a way that is still plagued with her past. We've been waiting for Peeta to become the father we expect him to be, and he finally is. More importantly, though, things don't end up all roses and sunshine (which would just kill the book in my opinion). You still have a sense of foreboding, you still fear for the lives of the survivors now living in District 12, and you still worry that The Games will be reestablished. But this worry is good - it keeps you captivated right up until the very last sentence, but that very last sentence also leaves you satisfied.

Favorite Character: Katniss (still - duh!). Finnick for his loyalty. Peeta for remembering who he is. Haymitch for continuing to coach Katniss through the ongoing Game that she's stuck in.

Well, there you have it. Those are my very brief and simple thoughts on The Hunger Games.
I still haven't decided if I'll watch the movies yet (okay, who are we kidding, it's going to happen!), but when I do, I'll be sure to post my thoughts!

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