Wednesday, February 8, 2012

One-Armed Husband

My husband currently only has one arm. WHAT! He lost an arm? Let me rephrase that. My husband currently only has the use of one arm. 

The other arm is strapped to a crazy sling contraption that looks something like this – actually, it looks a lot like this. Only his has a bright red stress ball attached to the front to give his hand something to do (and I think he really likes having a toy ball to carry around – but don’t tell him I told you that).

Scott has been so great about this whole situation, has started back to work, and is actually doing quite well. His “good news” that he announced at small group last week was “Hey, I can put a shirt on by myself now!” Good job, babe!

But for me – this has been hard! It is really hard having a one armed husband! I used to think that I was very independent. That I didn’t really need Scott around, and that I would be totally fine on my own. UM – think again Sarah! I have realized that I depend on Scott SO much – and you know what, I like depending on him, too!

I am a cuddler, a bedtime spooner, a dishwashing hater, and an active-lifestyle liver. It’s hard to cuddle when your man is in pain, hard to spoon with a huge sling in the way, hard to do all the dishes with no help, and hard to be active when my other half can’t be super active with me.  That’s why living with a one-armed man has been hard. But guess what – I love him to pieces anyway. And guess what else? The sling comes off on February 29th! Only 23 more days of one-arming it. 

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