Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Scott and I are a rather odd couple, in that we don't do anything out of the ordinary for this day. Scott has to work tonight, and I will be found at home making chocolate cupcakes to bring to the office. We'll celebrate this weekend by snuggling up at home with some homemade pizza and a movie. And that's it!

Scott has never been a fan of the "main stream" media focused holidays, and I am beginning to agree. Tonight, I will go home and kiss my husband, tell him that I love him, and make him a good dinner. But I do this every night, because I adore that man! And no day is more important than any other for saying I love you and letting him know that he is dear to me.

Scott - I love you with all of my heart! And I love you every day, no matter what day it is!


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