Thursday, December 8, 2011

When It Rains, It Pours...

I wanted to pop in and give a quick update on how Scott and I are doing. According to our last post about the military, Scott should be leaving in approximately 81 days for Basic Training. 

God apparently has other plans.

Most of you know that Scott hurt his shoulder several months back. He has been in physical therapy, and we were really hopeful that his arm would heal itself through this process. However, his doctor has decided that the PT just isn’t cutting it, and has recommended that Scott have surgery to repair the torn Labrum in his shoulder.

We really respect his doctor, and are so grateful for the time he has spent helping Scott. The reason he is really encouraging surgery is because he knows about the Army, and what Scott wants to do in the Army, and he wants Scott to be at his physical best.

This comes as a really big surprise, and encompasses a lot of different emotions and feelings for both of us. I am so grateful that I get to spend more time with my husband, and that God has given this doctor the wisdom to know what’s best. But I’m also really confused. My initial thought was “okay God, it took me 3 years of praying, crying, and struggling to get to the point where I am completely excited about the Army – so just let it happen!” Scott is struggling with what God's plans are, with disappointment about once again not being able to follow his dream, and with the physical requirements and restrictions that surgery will bring.

We are pretty sure that this surgery will delay Scott leaving for another year. Which means that we again need to go with the flow, adjust our mindset, and come to grips with the path that God is laying out before us.
God is gracious, loving, and kind. We just have to hold on to the fact that he knows what he is doing with our lives, even if we do not. We are eagerly waiting for him to show us his plan in all of this – and we know that he will.

When it rains, it pours…and we’re still waiting to see the Rainbow at the end of the storm – but God’s promises are never failing, so there will be a rainbow.


‎"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." ~ Philippians 4:7

1 comment:

  1. Well you two will definitely be in my prayers, I know how hard that can be, planning on something then BOOM an extra year (read: Luke with medical school last year), and for us this year has been a blessing on every level, so I hope that you guys find the same to be true! And I hope that the surgery goes well. When will it be happening?
