Thursday, November 3, 2011

What Happened to Thanksgiving?

I absolutely love the holidays! I love getting together with family, decorating, trying new and delicious recipes, the changing of the seasons accompanying them, everything! However, I am noticing a bit this year that one very important holiday has been forgotten – Thanksgiving! All the department stores went straight from Halloween to Christmas, and are ignoring the fact that there is one holiday in between.

Christmas is probably my favorite holiday – but Thanksgiving is right up there. In fact, I think that Thanksgiving is a necessary prelude to Christmas – it allows us to focus on the blessing Christ has given us, and puts us in an attitude of thankfulness so that our hearts will be even more thankful for his birth.

So why has Thanksgiving been forgotten? Do we no longer have reason to be thankful? Has society deemed a holiday without candy or presents as unnecessary? Have we forgotten that one of the reasons Christ’s birth occurred was so that we could know God and give him thanks and praise?

All I know is that in our home, Thanksgiving is going to be very real this year. We have so much to be thankful for, and we are learning to give thanks not only during the holiday, but always.


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