Friday, October 21, 2011

A New Job!

For those of you who didn't know, I have been rather unhappy at my job for quite some time. There have just been some things that have made both Scott and I uncomfortable.

Well, God really answered our prayers when about 2 months ago I randomly applied for a job, was interviewed twice, and offered a great position! That being said, yesterday was my last day at the Hospice I was working for, and Monday is my first day at my new job at IWU!

My official title will be Operations Assistant - basically, I'm a secretary - but this job is a huge answer to prayer. Scott and I are so excited to see where this takes us. We'll definitely keep you updated!


1 comment:

  1. Hooray Sarah...

    That's exciting, hope the first day goes extremely well. We will have to compare notes on working in higher ed sometime.

