Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rapid Trip to Kentucky

Scott's and my 5th nephew, Kyle Davis Krintz, was born on November 19 to my oldest sister Amanda. This makes 7 nieces and nephews that Scott will inherit when we get married, and I am so proud of him for being willing to do this!

Kyle was born on Thursday, and I really wanted to see him before Christmas, so I convinced Scott to make the 4 hour drive down to Kentucky with me on Saturday morning, and then return that afternoon to Indiana. We left at 7:00 in the morning, and drove straight to the hospital where Kyle was born. Upon arrival, we were informed that Amanda and Kyle were going home! Scott and I played with Kyle's big sister Emily outside the hospital (due to H1N1 no children under 18 years of age are allowed into hospitals) and waited for them to come out.

We had a blast with Em, playing tag and taking walks around the hospital grounds. When everyone was ready to go home, Amanda invited us to tag along! We were shocked, but excited to get to see our niece and nephew for a little longer. We drove to their house, and wound up only staying for about 2 hours, because everyone was so exhausted!

Scott and I had a great time getting to meet Kyle and see the rest of the Krintz family (I lived with them all summer, so it was good to be "home" for a little bit!) But, it made for a very long day!

4 hour drive to KY + 3 hours in the city + 4 hour drive home = super tired, but super happy that Kyle came into the world!


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