Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Last Day

Oh my Stars! It has been a month since I've posted - not because we don't love you and miss you, more because life is C.R.A.Z.Y. But that's not why I'm here today.

Today I'm here to tell you that today was  the last day.

The last day that Scott will have to see his Physical Therapist!
The last day that Scott gets to visit with the awesome Dr. K!
The last day that he needs treatment for his shoulder!

That's right - he's done. Scott went in for his final shoulder appointments this morning, and came home with a shiny note saying he's all better! Surgery worked, he is 100%, and we are so excited!

We have some "first/new" days coming up soon, as well as an awesome chair redo, and maybe a new recipe or two - so don't be a stranger!

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