Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Scott has been through the ringer these last few months at work - we're talking crazy schedule, rude managers, disrespect, the whole thing. We were super excited to find out a couple of weeks ago that Scott got a promotion! This means he'll be working mostly day time hours, and will only have to work a couple of weekends a month. YAY!

This also means some adjusting. You see, Scott and I are used to only spending 1 or 2 nights a week together (because he usually had to work from 8p-1:45a). Now, we get to spend 5 nights a week together - which is totally fantastic, but definitely hard! 

Tonight will be the first time we've spent 4 consecutive nights in a row since March. I am SO EXCITED people! Now I just have to learn how to get things done at home instead of spending every spare moment with my husband. Bring it on - I am so excited for this new challenge that we get to face together!

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