Sunday, June 10, 2012

My Week 5

We've passed week one and are on to week two! What's on the list for this week?

1. Bake homemade bread...and eat a piece piping hot and slathered with butter.
2. Play a board game.
3. Retry - long bike ride.
4. Watch a new movie.
5. Try a new recipe for dinner.

To all of you creative minds out there, Scott has decided that this post needs a new title. I agree! Let me know your suggestions!


1 comment:

  1. Re: a new title for your (great!) blog: I like anagrams. is my fave anagram generator, where I tried "Scott and Sarah". Here are some of my favorites of what came out: "Nacho Ad Starts"; "Carats to Hands" (a wedding ring); "Data Toss Ranch" (I have no idea what that means); "Data Crash Tons".

    Brad N.
