Thursday, March 22, 2012

Book Review: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I am the kind of person that does not like jumping on the bandwagon of popular books. For example, I think Harry Potter started coming out when I was in middle school, and I refused to read them until I was a Junior in college - and Scott talked me into it.

That being said - I have joined the masses in reading The Hunger Games. I hadn't heard a lot about the books, except that they were fantastic, and decided that maybe just this once I should see what all the hype was about...and boy am I glad that I did! So, without further ado, here are my (breif) thoughts about the first Book.

Cover Design:  Can someone say 80's Sci Fi? Upon first glance, the cover art really reminded me of Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. Not overly complicated so as to confuse you, but not complicated enough in my opinion! The cover art does nothing to speak for the book until you have actually read it - and even then it isn't that inspiring. 

Writing Style: Not bad. I am in no way a professional critic, so these are just my personal observations. In my opinion, Collins' writing style is well suited to a diverse age range - in fact, her style is simple enough that I have no doubts that my 8 year old nephew could both read and understand what she's writing about. But within that simplicity, there is still enough detail to really draw the reader in. In my opinion, this takes a lot of talent - to write something simple enough for an 8 year old, but detailed enough for an adult. Kudos to Collins for this.

Plot: I am loving it. As the first book in the series, The Hunger Games hooks you in, and you just can't stop. The idea is a brilliant one, and the author does a fantastic job drawing your emotions out with the characters. While I am sure there may be other novels out there with a similar plot (again, Ender's Game coming to anyone's mind?), Collins has executed this well. There is no way anyone can escape the feelings and thoughts of a young girl who fights to the death in a Game put on by the Capitol - doing it all to save her sister. Of course, from the beginning, you're also drawn into the love story between Katniss and Peeta - even though Katniss doesn't see it herself. I wish that it weren't so predictable (from the beginning of the Games, I knew that Peeta and Katniss would both survive), but even with the predictablilty, the plot is a great one.

Favorite Character (s): I would have to say Katniss and Peeta - the book tries to make you sympathize with others like Prim, Gale, Haymitch, etc...but Collins wanted these two to be the Star's - and they are!

*That's my review of book one - come back for more!


  1. Sarah-This is Sarah Stoffel (From FHPC)...I Love your blog and especially appreciate your book review...I have a teen daughter that is HOOKED, has read all 3 in just 1 week...I haven't had a chance to read them I am happy to see your review!!! Be Blessed & let us know what you think of the other 2 books.

    1. Sarah - so good to hear from you! I'm also glad that you enjoy the blog. Just so you know, I'll post my thoughts on the other 2 books hopefully in the next couple of days! Let me know what you think of them once you get a chance to read them too.
      Many Blessings - Sarah!

  2. ...I am the BAD mom...for not taking her to the mid-night showing last night. They have school today and then leave for Florida right after school...I just thought it was "too much"...but hopefully she can see it in FL or as soon as she gets back! We will await your post for the other 2 books. Be Blessed today & always!!! Sarah

  3. Good thoughts! But I have to say, I was on team Gale for the whole first book. I know Peeta saved her life and all, but I was cheering for the home team. I am sure that that was a weird read of the book, but I could not help it. Keep reading and tell us more as you go!

  4. Bryant - I kind of suspected Gale of being a self-centered punk from the beginning, and I think that is kind of confirmed in book 3 - You'll hear about that when I post that review!
