Monday, August 20, 2012


There are days when I feel like I need a challenge, something new and different to do, something creative that will fuel my passions. Most days, my mind keeps coming back to the idea of becoming a food blogger. So, this leaves me with some questions for you:

1. If I were a food blogger, what kind/style of food blogger should I be?
2. What should I call the blog?

Just thinking at this point - but I love brainstorming with peoples ideas!



  1. How's that fried?

    All you do is batter and deep fry things, comparing and contrasting the difference between the original and the deep fried version. Here's a hint: deep fried should always win. ;)

  2. Bien Sombrero Food!

    All you do is cook normal food, but with a sombrero on. Must include a hat dance before eating. This will not really help people learn to cook, but will make great pictures.

  3. Does that stick?

    Report on the respective adhesion of particular food groups to your spouse's head when thrown at them. You can have power rankings, and an on deck circle for what the reader can expect to hear about soon. Also, you can discuss the impact that location or ambiance has on the over all testing experience.

  4. Mexican Cooking!

    Sounds like it would be a blog about your trials and successes in cooking the fine cuisine from Mexico, but nope, its a photo blog of you going to restaurants and taking pictures of Latino cooks! Spin-off possibilities are endless! Italian cooking, Mustache cooking, That Person over there cooking, etc.

  5. How patient and loving is he really?

    Make dinner and each night slightly sabotage your husband's plate more and more. First night, too much salt. Second, go a little heavy on the cayenne. Continue to escalate the sabotage until he finally says something and takes you out to dinner instead of eating what you prepared. Report events. Over seven consecutive meals, and you have a winner of a guy.
