Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Today has been "one of those days." You know, one of those days where you wake up late, the coffee maker isn't clean enough to make a pot of coffee, the soda machine at work is all sold out, and you and the hubby (while still madly in love) are having one of those days where it isn't all rainbows and unicorns. 

That being said, I needed to get my mind off of the bad, and focus on the good - which prompted me to write out a list of what I am truly grateful for on this less than perfect Thursday.

I am thankful for a God who has redeemed me, and who never ceases to love me even when I stumble.

I am thankful for an amazing husband who is willing to help me grow even when it's hard. Who loves me unconditionally. Who treasures me and takes care of me. Who sticks with me through "one of those days" and works with me to make it better.

I am thankful for an incredible family composed of a whole lot of people.

I am thankful for our treasured group of friends.

I am thankful for a job with coworkers who make me smile.

I am thankful for crazies on the phone - they make me laugh!

I am thankful for an incredible family composed of a whole lot of people.

I am thankful that the sun is shining.

I am thankful that we have a home to live in, food in our fridge, and gas in our car.

I am thankful for brownies and chocolate (of which I will be eating a lot more than normal today).

What are you thankful for today?

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